Last Tweet

Horacio Lobos Luna
2 min readAug 26, 2024


Photo by Laura Rivera on Unsplash

My friends, behind the pixels
there are so many faces searching for a paradise,
asking for the name of irrecoverable, lost things,
and for the time of a destiny.
We should be grateful for the feast of a sign
given by the revelry of networks,
the cocktail of digital laughs and the hate served on input trays,
the flowers born at cybernetic outdoors,
a creation offspring of a multiparous hydra
with her thousands eyes reduplicating a world
of endless possibilities.
But the frail glass of reality
gets wider and cracks in a way directly proportional,
and there is not emptiness that can hold it.
Do you feel it?
Words are of little use.
Write them. Post them. Read them. Make a ball with them and swallow them.
The spilled ink is not indelible anymore,
neither can be deleted nor leaves its invisible stamp
as a voiceless witness of secret parchment.
Nothing said here is written in stone,
paper or scissors.
Would be enough a brief blast, a measly magnetic pulse, erratic
as a blind drunk guy who doesn’t know what is saying or touching,
and everything would go back to zero.
The names. The shapes. The last tweet.
We always knew, my friends, always.
That’s why we opened fire at point-blank range,
breaking a lance for every human and divine thing,
aiming at the head of free will
and forcing it to throw up even the last cent.
Because who can judge us, after all,
for wanting to say the last word, our word,
and share out our most precious dreams
through the virtual tangle before being forgotten for good.



Horacio Lobos Luna

Frustrated E.T., hopeless to go back to his home star. And hungry, really hungry… But no having taste for humans, I write.